Edit Distance

Easy C++

Problem Statement

Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of operations required to convert word1 to word2.

You have the following 3 operations permitted on a word:

  1. Insert a character
  2. Delete a character
  3. Replace a character


If word1 = “horse” and word2 = “ros”, how can we solve the problem? In a first look the problem seens much more complex than it is. In an attempt to make simple, let’s break it in smaller problems a go back to these words latter.

How many operations do we need to convert an empty string “ ” into “ab”? The answer is easy, using the insert operation in two moves we can insert character “a” and “b” into the empty string. And the opposite? Also easy, we can delete the characters in two operations. And what about having two strings with only one character that area equal (“a” and “a”)? No movements needed there. And two different characters (“a” and “b”)? Also one operation, replace a character. Now we know how to treat the basic cases, 10% of the problem is solved.

We now know the operations we can execute on word1, but, how we represent then? Treating a string as an array of characters and using one index in each word (index1 for word1 and index2 for word2).


From the first index (index1 = 0 and index2 = 0) in both words keep the index of the first word and add 1 in index2. This means that i don’t have more problem with the first position on word2 is already solved, i inserted the right character, so let’s go to the other character but keeping the same index on word1 since i’m still processing it.


Both indexes increment since we have made the replacement operation and made both values equal, so i go to the next position.


Deletion is the opposite of insertion. When in insertion we keep the index1 in deletion we ignore this index, meaning remove the character, and keep the index2 the same because we still need to find a match.

I imagine that this complete know 30% of our problem. We already know the basic cases and how to implement each operation on a atomic base.

I found easier to implement starting from the end, this way, when an index is smaller than 0 means that my word ended and i need to return only the value of the other index plus 1. But the logic is the same regards the way you decide to go: from one index get the minimum of all three operations being applied if the character value for the arrays are different.

With this in mind we can come up with the simple algorithm for treating individual characters of a string:

minDistance(string word1, int index1, string word2, int index2){

    return index2+1;

    return index1+1;

    distance = minDistance(word1,index-1,word2,index2-1);
    distance = 1+min(minDistance(word1,index-1,word2,index2-1),

  return distance;

With this code you solve the problem, but the complexity of this implementation is exponential O(2n). That is not a good solution. How can we make our code better?

If we observe the solution, we process some pair of indexes more than one time and we can solve the problem by solving smaller parts of the problem (overlapping sub-problems). Other condition is that an optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of the subproblems (optimal substructure). This two are necessary conditions to apply dynamic programming. Doing with memoization, keeping a track of all the solved subproblems using the index as a key of a map, we have the following code.

unordered_map<pair<int,int>,int> memo;

minDistance(string word1, int index1, string word2, int index2){
  pair<int,int> key = make_pair(index1,index2);

    return memo[key];

    return memo[key]=index2+1;

    return memo[key]=index1+1;

    distance = minDistance(word1,index-1,word2,index2-1);
    distance = 1+min(minDistance(word1,index-1,word2,index2-1),

  return memo[key]=distance;

Time complexity : O(mn) Space complexity : O(mn)

Where m is the size of word1 and n the size of word2

question from LeetCode